Thursday, 14 July 2016

Pentecost 9 – 17 July 2016 – Year C

Pentecost 9 – 17 July 2016 – Year C

Grace to you and peace from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

The text for this meditation is written in the 10th Chapter of the Gospel according to St Luke: Verses 38 – 42

Martha and Mary
38 Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” 41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, 42 but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”

Today’s Gospel makes me really uncomfortable.  The reason I am uncomfortable is that Jesus said something in today’s Gospel that makes people angry.  Jesus was conducting a Bible study in the home of Mary and Martha and He said that Bible study is the one thing necessary.  Check it out for yourself.  That is what Jesus said.  Don’t get angry with me.  I am just telling you what Jesus said.

Note that Jesus did not say that Bible study was one of many important things.  He did not say it was one of even a few things that are necessary.  He said that Mary had chosen the one thing that is necessary.

Martha invited Jesus to stay in her home.  That’s a good thing, right?  Jesus accepted the invitation.  That is also a good thing.  Then Jesus decided to have a Bible study and Martha’s sister Mary decided to attend.  That right there is amazing.  Rabbis in first century Israel did not usually teach women.  Never the less, here is Jesus giving Mary the right to sit in on His Bible study.

Here is where it gets nasty.  Martha felt it was her duty to scold Jesus and attack Mary for attending Bible study.  She literally interrupted Jesus and criticized Him for not ordering Mary out of Bible study.  Read the account yourself.  Martha said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?  Tell her then to help me.”  Martha literally scolded Jesus and then tried to order Him around.  Read it for yourself.  I’m not making this up.  That is what today’s reading from the Gospel really says.

Not much has changed down through the centuries.  I have been a member of many congregations during my life.  In every case, there were people who took the teaching in today’s Gospel to heart and regularly studied the Bible with their priest and the other members of the congregation.  Then there were people who chose not to be in Bible study.  I am not talking about those who could not come because of their health, jobs, or other circumstances beyond their control.  I am talking about those who were well able to come and simply stayed away.

I suppose that we shouldn’t really be surprised then, when those who do not attend Bible study complain and criticize.  After all, if Martha had the arrogance to criticize the Son of God for having Mary in His Bible study, Christian teachers should not be surprised when criticized for encouraging them to attend Bible study regularly as well.  Never the less, in today’s Gospel, Jesus Himself stated that Mary had chosen the one thing that is necessary.

Now, if you have a problem with the idea that all Christians should regularly attend Bible study, then remember:  It is Jesus who is telling us that Bible study is the one thing that is necessary.  If you have a problem with Bible study, take it up with Jesus.

Why does Jesus teach that Bible study is so important?  Jesus Himself said, [John 5:39] “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me.”  Here Jesus teaches that the best way to get to know Him is to get to know the scriptures.

When Jesus prayed for His disciples, He also prayed for those who would come to faith through their message.  Jesus prayed, [John 17:20] “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word.”  The Apostle Paul also wrote, [Romans 10:17] “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”  The Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle Peter to write, [1 Peter 1:23] “You have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God.”  These verses and others like them teach that the Holy Spirit works through the Word of God.  There are no verses that tell of any other way to receive the Holy Spirit.  The only promise God gives concerning the work of the Holy Spirit is in connection with God’s Word, the Bible.

The Bible is not like other books.  Most books exist merely to transmit information.  Even works of fiction are just an artfully designed collection of the words, actions, and / or thoughts of fictional characters and places.  The Bible is not like that.  God’s Word actually transmits its topic.

Yes, the Bible transmits information like other books.  It tells us that the Son of God took on human flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary and became a man named Jesus.  It tells us that Jesus lived a perfect life of service to the people in His life.  It tells us that although He lived a perfect life, the authorities arrested Him, and found Him guilty of false charges based on lies.  These corrupt authorities managed to get the Son of God tortured and sentenced to death by crucifixion.  The Bible tells us that when Jesus hung on the cross and died, He satisfied God’s wrath against all our sins.  The Bible also tells us that Jesus did not remain in the tomb, but rose bodily never to die again.  It tells us that Jesus ascended into heaven and will return on the last day to judge all people.  These are the facts that The Bible transmits to us.

However, unlike all other books, the Bible does not stop there.  It is the Word of God.  The Holy Spirit has promised to work in, with, and through God’s Word.  Because the Holy Spirit has promised to work with God’s Word, God’s Word does not just tell us about Jesus.  God’s Word actually is Jesus transmitted to us by the Holy Spirit through the Word.  God’s Word does not just tell us about forgiveness.  God’s Word actually is forgiveness transmitted to us by the Holy Spirit.  God’s Word actually is salvation transmitted to us.  God’s Word actually is eternal life transmitted to us.  The Word of God is God at work.

That is what it means that the Word of God is a Means of Grace.  The Word of God is the way God actually gives Himself to us.  The Word of God is not a static source of information.  Instead, [Hebrews 4:12] the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

You see we are not able to travel half way around the world and almost two thousand years back in time to the site where Jesus earned salvation for the entire world.  We cannot travel to the cross outside First Century Jerusalem where Jesus shed His blood to take away the sin of the World.  Instead, the Holy Spirit transmits the forgiveness Jesus earned for us on the cross into twenty-first century homes and places of Christian Worship across the world via the very Word of God that Jesus says is the one thing necessary.

We should not be surprised at this for Genesis chapter one tells us that God created the world by the power of His Word.  In a similar way, His Word creates faith in us.  It also sustains that faith.  As the Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle Paul to write, [Romans 1:16] “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

If the Word of God is indeed that powerful … if the Word of God really is the means by which the Holy Spirit actually gives salvation to us … If, as Jesus says, the Word of God is the one thing necessary, then we would expect Christians to ask questions at their Church like, “Is there a way that we can have some sort of Bible study more often?”  If Christians really believed what Jesus said about the Word of God being the one thing necessary, congregations would drive their priests into happy exhaustion as they taught class after class; feeding their members on the good food of God’s Word.  Christians would look forward to retirement because then they could attend an extra Bible study or two every week.

The simple fact is this: God delivers His blessings through His Word.  When Jesus says Bible Study is the one thing necessary, He is teaching Martha, Mary, and us that God delivers His blessings through His Word.  God delivers Himself through His Word.  When anyone encourages you to attend Bible study, they are only encouraging you to receive more of God’s blessings.  They are only encouraging you to get more of God’s power, more of God’s forgiveness, more of God’s salvation … they are encouraging you to get more of the God who took on human flesh and sacrificed Himself for your eternal life.  God’s Word has only benefits for those who are in Christ Jesus.

There is a theological term that applies to today’s Gospel.  That term is “Gospel Imperative.”  A “Gospel Imperative” is something that sounds like a command, but is really something we already want to do.  For example: A hungry family has been milling around the house for about forty-five minutes waiting for something to eat.  Finally, the head cook sticks her nose out of the kitchen and calls, “Come and get it!”  Strictly speaking, this is a command to come and get it.  Never the less, no one complains, “Oh no … now I got to go and eat!”  Instead, they immediately comply with the orders of the head cook.  They come and they get it … not because of the order, but because they are hungry.

It is the same way with Bible study.  Our spirits are hungry.  God feeds us through His word.  It is the means by which Jesus reveals Himself to us and showers us with His gifts.  We passively receive His blessings as He serves us.  This is especially true of the blessings of forgiveness, life, and salvation that Jesus earned for us on the cross.  Jesus wants us to have these gifts.  That is the reason He taught that His Word is the one thing that is necessary.

The Son of God has prepared the meal.  He has said, “Come and get it!”  Hungry souls come and get forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life.  Amen

The love and peace of our Great Triune God that is beyond all human understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen

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