The text for this meditation is written in the 1st Chapter of the Gospel according to St Mark: Verses 21 – 28:
21 And they went into Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath he entered the synagogue and was teaching. 22 And they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes. 23 And immediately there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit. And he cried out, 24 “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God.” 25 But Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be silent, and come out of him!” 26 And the unclean spirit, convulsing him and crying out with a loud voice, came out of him. 27 And they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, “What is this? A new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.” 28 And at once his fame spread everywhere throughout all the surrounding region of Galilee.
What does it mean to be “new”? That may seem like a pretty stupid question. After all, it’s not that hard to figure out. We use the word all the time, and I think it’s safe to say that we have a fairly good grasp and understanding of what it means to be “new.” And yet…how often do we still misuse the word? I would think that all of us have repeatedly heard the old ‘adages’ “you’re never too old to learn” or “you learn something new every day”. Well just think about how often you’ve heard something that’s “brand new” to your ears, only to learn that it really wasn’t new at all. Just because the message is new to us doesn’t mean that it’s a new message, does it? My take on it is that you spend your whole life trying to learn all things new to us, and around the time you are just getting on top of it, it’s time to ‘check out’!
That’s what I like about the Gospel lesson for this morning. Jesus is in the local synagogue, teaching and preaching. Even before the demon-possessed man tried to disrupt the worship service, we’re told that the people were astonished at Jesus’ teaching because He taught them with authority, and not like the other teachers and preachers. This was all brand new teaching to the people. They had never heard such a message. They had never heard such a message proclaimed with such authority. How new and mysterious this worship experience was to them! And before we go any further, we need to clarify what this means. It does NOT mean that Jesus simply was brash and bold and loud and forceful. That would be power in action; the strongest, loudest voice commanding all the attention. That’s often what we witness today in our world. The loudest voice calls the shots, even if the loudest voice is in the minority and dead-set wrong. The loudest voice wins. That’s NOT what this text means when it says that Jesus taught with authority.
Authority is different from power. Any person with enough hacking skills may have the power to change or gain information using their computer, but that does not mean that they have the authority to do so. When Jesus taught with authority, He was teaching “this is the Word of the Lord.” You see, the scribes and Pharisees didn’t teach that way. They taught in matters of opinion and conjecture. They were more concerned about what different rabbis and commentaries had to say than with what God had to say. A typical sermon in those days would sound something like: “Rabbi X said this about this portion of Scripture, as did Rabbi Y. Rabbi Z, on the other hand, wrote this in his commentary. Let us consult yet another commentary to see what yet another rabbi had to say about these differing opinions.” Honestly, would you get anything out of such teaching? That’s not authoritative teaching. That’s simply reading over a number of different opinions. Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Who’s to say?
This is what set Christ’s teaching apart from everyone else’s. “This is the Word of the Lord.” You can almost hear the people, “I’ve never heard that before!” Well, let me be honest with you: That’s one of the greatest compliments you can pay a Christian Minister. I love to hear it, especially from “life-long, cradle-to-grave” Anglicans who aren’t too proud to admit that you’ve never heard certain things before. I love to hear it, not because I taught you something radically new, but because it means that God is doing exactly what He promised, creating and sustaining faith through the hearing of His Word. I love to hear this because it means that you actually heard the authoritative teaching of the Word of God Himself; a Word which is so often stifled nowadays in favour of differing opinions and feelings and emotions and agendas.
And that brings us to our main point today: This is God’s Word. What you see and hear and receive here today all comes to you in the stead of, and by the command of, and with the authority of Christ Jesus Himself. Believe it or not, but there’s nothing new here. Just because you may not have heard it before doesn’t mean that it’s brand-new. It’s not brand new. Maybe you were never taught it. Maybe you never listened. The teaching—the doctrine of repentance and salvation by faith alone in God’s grace alone because of Christ Jesus alone is not new. In fact, this authoritative Law and Gospel message of the Word is eternal. It’s just brand-new to our sinful ears.
Now, that’s worth noting. Notice what the people say after Jesus heals the demon-possessed man: “A new teaching with authority.” Did you hear that? Not a new teacher, but a new teaching. The divine, healing authority wasn’t in the messenger, but in the message! At first glance, we see Jesus and think, “well…of course the demons responded to Jesus. He’s almighty God!” Did you know, this sort of thinking has a real and sad way of working itself into today’s ministry? “That was then. That was with Jesus, in the flesh. Today is different. Jesus isn’t here. What makes you right and me wrong? What gives you the right to preach to me?”
In a word—authority; not my authority, but Christ’s authority. After the confession of sins in the service liturgy, the ordained servant announces forgiveness of sins. The liturgy has many variations in wording, but in true essence what is being said is; “I, as a called and ordained servant of Christ Jesus, in His stead and by His command and authority, forgive you all your sins.” I or any ordained Christian minster, including the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury, don’t have the power to forgive sin. I don’t have the power to make atonement for sin—your sin, my sin, a single sin, let alone an eternity’s worth of sin. Only Christ has this power; power which He displayed on His cross when He proclaimed with all authority, “It is finished!”
Brothers and sisters in Christ: It is Christ’s authority—the authority of the Word of God Himself made flesh—that confronts us in our sin, calls us to repentance, and proclaims the joy and peace of complete forgiveness to us. (Luke 10:16) “Those who hear you hear Me and hear the One who sent Me”. (Matthew 28:19-20) “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me; authority which I now bestow upon you. Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in My authoritative name—the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you.”
Notice here; We’re not called to teach anything other than what Christ has commanded and taught. “Repent! You are that person! You are in sin. What you are doing is sinful in the eyes of the Lord.” That’s not my opinion. That’s God’s authoritative Word. “Baptism now saves you.” That’s Christ’s authoritative Word. “This is My body. This is My blood, given and shed for you for the forgiveness of all your sin.” That’s not my opinion or my take on a particular passage. That’s Christ’s authoritative Word and promise. Let the Word do the talking. Let the Word work. It is this Word, and this Word alone, that has the authority to bring about repentance and salvation. This Word—this doctrine; this teaching—has the authority to kill and to make alive. God keeps His promises. His Word does not return to Him void and empty. It accomplishes that which He purposes.
Just look around you today. Look at all the reasons to give thanks. We haven’t done anything radically new here. We simply let God work—Word and Sacrament ministry. That’s it! No programs. No gimmicks. No smoke and mirrors and laser-light shows; No rock bands. – I read three of many articles on the internet on how to use smoke, lasers and special effects to enhance Christian worship - Those things may have the power to make disciples, but disciples of what? Those things don’t have the authority to make faithful disciples of Christ. Only His means of grace—His Word and His sacraments—have that sort of authority. Ironically, shunning the popular models of “ministry” and simply letting God work does seem radical and new to many people, just like it was for those folks gathered in the synagogue listening to Jesus. It’s not new though; not at all. It’s just new to a world that has been blinded and corrupted by the power of sin.
Brothers and sisters in Christ: My prayer for you is that this life-giving, life-saving Word of Christ; this Word and teaching that alone has the authority to kill and to make alive—eternally, has authority over you and all that you say, think, and do. This teaching—this Word made flesh—does great and mighty things. Just look at all that He’s done for us already. Just look at all that He’s about to do for us with His own body and blood in just a few minutes. May your eyes and ears of faith be opened anew so that you too can behold the joy of Christ in your midst, not doing anything new or different from what He’s always done—making us new and alive and complete in Him through His life-giving, life-changing Word and Sacraments. Amen
The love and peace of our Great Triune God that is beyond all human understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen
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